
Home News  Company front gate completion ceremony
November 8, 2011 is a day with thunderous clamor and bursting happiness, and we are very happy to witness Meizhou Union Chemical Co., Ltd. front gate completion celebration! In the past ten years, Meizhou Union Chemical Co., Ltd. develops from a small plant to a small and medium enterprises with its output and value ranking top three in China.
company front gate

company chairman Liu Jinxuan make a welcome speech

Director Zhong Guangling of Meizhou Hi-Tech Management Committee make speech

Meizhou vie mayor Chen Jianqing and Company chairman Liu Jinxuan unveil the company doorplate together

ribbon-cutting ceremony

group photo taken as souvenir

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2009 Meizhou Union Chemical Co.,Ltd.     粵ICP備11063888號    Support:Newthink
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